We were lucky enough to have the girls and Cade over yesterday for a sleepover. Hannah kept asking how many more sleeps/days until school started. I'm not sure if she thought grandma was fibbing, or perhaps I'd change my mind and say she had more days than the last time she asked LOL, but she didn't like my answer each time.
I do remember well how I "hated" Labor Day Weekend when I was younger. The thought of having to go back to the grind of school and all that it entails, was more than I wanted to think about...and I did not want to give up the free time of summer...playing outside from morning until night, sleepovers with friends, using our imaginations to take us far away, "raiding" a neighbor's garden of strawberries :) It did go too quickly.
Then as a parent with 3 sons of our own, I also dreaded Labor Day Weekend. I was one of those oddball moms who did not want our kids to leave home and go back to school. I didn't sleep for the whole weekend, dreading how I was going to miss the boys....and I must admit, I felt bad for them having to sit in school all day....hehehe!
As soon as mom dropped off the kids yesterday afternoon, they wanted to eat. She told me they wanted Nachos for supper, and had brought over the nacho chips and shredded cheese. Well there was no way to convince them to wait until supper. They said they were hungry and wanted to eat NOW :)
So, nachos it was! Have to admit, it's been a long time since I've made them and they were really good :) Good choice kids, good choice :)
Our neighbor across the street has a great apple tree and he was quite excited when he knew the grandkids were coming over. He wanted them to come pick apples...he even had baskets for them to use :) The girls didn't seem too interested in picking apples but Cade wanted to go over, so Grandpa and he went on their way. About two minutes later, Hailee got all upset because she said "but they left without me...I wanted to go too." I told her that they were just across the street at Mr. Bob's house and she could take Sparkles and head over too.
Didn't take them long to come back, each with a basket full of apples! They were so excited and wanted to go back. After seeing their stash of apples, Hannah decided that she wanted to go with them this time. Hailee was trying not to laugh when she told me as she was picking an apple from the tree, another apple hit her on the head...hehehe! Have to admit, grandma did laugh LOL!
Grandpa got out big bowls and had them separate the apples from the good ones and the ones that had "holes" in them. Thankfully they didn't ask what the holey apples meant...hehehe...or we never would have gotten them to eat apples ever again!
Thanks for the apples Mr. Bob :)
I'm having a problem with my right foot/leg and have been told if I don't want to end up disabled and using a cane, that I have to stay off my feet for a few weeks and take meds to help with the problem. Cortisone shots are coming in a couple weeks. So Grandpa said he would take the 3 kids into town to have supper at McD's and play in the play area there. Surprisingly, none of them wanted to go. They said they wanted to go to DQ. Hmmm...gotta wonder if it really was the food they wanted more or the fact that dessert was right there as well LOL! They even brought grandma something back to eat. Thanks guys!More play time then bath time. Hannah and Cade wanted bubbles...lots and lots of bubbles....so I put the air jets on and it didn't take long for them to overtake both kids. They had a ball laughing and wanting more and more bubbles!
And yes, Cade IS standing up in the tub LOL!
Hannah is under there somewhere......
Hey, there she is!
Before we knew it it was quiet time. So once pjs were on it was time to sit on the couch with their snacks. They were all out at 9:30 and this grandma wasn't far behind them. All slept really well until almost 8:00 this morning!Unfortnately grandma couldn't stand on her foot long enough to make the big batch of crepes that I make whenever they sleep over, so they made do with porridge and cream of wheat. They were so good in understanding that grandma has to "baby" her leg for the next few weeks, and there will be plenty of time for crepes when I'm better.
Dad and mom came to pick them up around 10:30. They were heading into town for the Rib Fest....sounds yummy, doesn't it! They left Mylo and Ally here to play in the back yard with Sparkles, and will come to pick them up on their way home.
All in all, a great start to the last long weekend of the summer! So yes, all good things may have to come to an end, but grandma knows that even more good things will come along once school starts :)
Grandm loves you
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