Sunday, 9 October 2011

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble

Yes, it's that time of year again for us north of 49!  Thankgiving weekend, which usually mean lots of over eating, more over eating, and more over eating LOL!  Saturday was no exception, and neither was today!
Yummy!  Pumpkin pie is always a favorite
at our house!
Our weather has been unbelievable this Fall, so after stuffing ourselves on Saturday, the grandkids, daddy, mommy and grandpa went outside to have a fun game of road hockey! It's a good thing we saved all those old wooden hockey sticks from days gone by. Cut down, they make perfect sticks for the kids :)

Finally when the street lights came on and it was getting too dark to see the ball as it travelled out of range of the street light, it was time for a bath to get the days "dirt" off  LOL!

As it turned out, all 3 kids were going to stay overnight, then it slowly dwindled down to only one, Hailee, and as the rest of the family was pulling out of the driveway, even she decided to go home to sleep....hehehe!  Hope you all had a great night!

Oh my....when was the last time we were
able to do this on Thanksgiving weekend?
This afternoon we headed out to another relative's home for the whole family gathering. There should be around 35 people....more food, pies...over eating LOL!  What more can a person ask for on Thanksgiving weekend :)  They live on a small lake in the city and it was an absolutely gorgeous afternoon.
It definitely doesn't get any better than this :)
Perfect picnic weather with grandpa!
Grandma loves you