It was Keelan's 3rd birthday last Wednesday....can you believe he's already 3?? So us grandparents got together on Saturday to celebrate. And celebrate we did.
Yum! Give me a bite of that tummy LOL!
Swim to daddy Keelan!
Grandma "Shark" enjoyed swimming after him and taking 'bites' from his belly and legs. The giggling, screaming and laughter than ensued was contagious and a great time was had by all of us :)Mom and baby Aislin couldn't enjoy the pool just yet, but maybe on our next visit :)
On Friday morning daddy called and said they were going to the book store so mom could decorate Keelan's birthday cake without little eyes watching :) The book store was right across the road from the hotel, so off grandpa and I went to play with the Thomas the Train set up they have, then we hit the toy store of course! Keelan is obsessed with construction machines, and can see them a mile away. He was immediately drawn to yellow ones, green ones and red ones!! I doubt there are any that he doesn't have yet LOL! Or does he?? Hmmmmmmm.......
Wow! Look at those blue machines!
Good job mom :)
He asked mom for a blue excavator for his birthday and mom went online and found Japan LOL! So yes, he did have some blue machines on his delicious chocolate birthday cake. Now he has all the colors they come in.....we think LOL!Yummmy.....that icing is good.
Save some for us Keelan!
We just had to have this woven throw made for Keelan.
He does love his construction machines!!
Until then
Grandma loves you