Saturday, 5 January 2013

And the fun continued....

....for the last couple of days that is LOL!  We had surprise sleepovers the last two days.  Hailee was having a friend sleepover last night so Hannah called on Wednesday afternoon to ask if she could have a sleepover here last sister LOL....with grandpa and I.  Silly question, as if we'd say NO to her :)

So as she and I were making arrangements about time, pick up for Friday afternoon, I could hear Cade in the background having a fit saying he wanted to come here too....but remember, Hannah didn't want anyone else with her...she wanted to be here herself....hehehe! So she started crying and saying she didn't want Cade to went on and on with the two of them LOL!

Mom came on the phone and I told her that we would take Cade on Saturday night...tonight....but he would have none of it. HE had to have his sleepover before Hannah....he had to be "first" in the sleepover department LOL!  So I suggested that he stay on Thursday night, and that's how we had our first surprise sleepover with Cade.

Grandpa had to drive grandma into town for a bit of shopping on Thursday....yes, grandma's foot is still too sore and she can't drive anywhere by herself really is getting old :(  I told mom that we would pick up Cade on our way home from shopping.

We got to all the stores we needed to and as grandpa ran into the grocery store for one last stop for a loaf of bread, I called mom to say we were 10 minutes from picking up Cade. She laughed and said it was a good thing because he'd been asking her all day when grandpa and grandma were coming to get him....hehehe!

Grandpa had to shovel the driveways so he told me to make sure mom packed Cade's snow suit, mitts and everything he needed to keep warm while outside.  He was so excited to help grandpa shovel. He just loves being outside whether it's cold or not, and once they were done he had grandpa give him rides in the snow float!

Of course before they went outside he asked if I was going out too but I had to tell him I was getting supper ready....roast beef....Cade's absolute favorite food to eat when he's here. In fact it's all he ate when we were at the inlaw's Christmas dinner last week!  All he wanted was grandma's roast beef LOL!

When grandpa and he came inside to eat Cade made sure I had his 'order' ready....roast beef cut up in a bowl with mashed potatoes, gravy and carrots....and it had to be all smashed up. That's just how he loved eating it when he was a baby :) In fact whenever we had roast beef when he was little I always made extra bowls just for Cade and froze them for his next visit. They always went down well :)

Mom didn't want him to have too much sugar after all the "stuff" they ate over the holidays, so we had Cool Whip with fresh berries.  A bowl of that went down quite fast too....Cade was teasing grandpa that he would be finished before grandpa...and he was. No surprise to grandma because grandpa isn't much of a fruit man LOL!

It was quite a while since Cade has stayed overnight by himself, even though he does talk a big talk...hehehe! We tried a couple other times to have him alone, but he always ended up wanting to go home. So as much as we were looking forward to him sleeping over, we were quite prepared to have him say he wanted to go home after his bath. So far so good...there was no mention of going home.

Then daddy called to say goodnight. Cade wanted to talk to each and every one to say he loved them and good night....and once again we were sure he would start crying that he wanted to go home. But he didn't....yipeeeee! When it was time for bed he wanted grandpa and I to lay down with him and he was out in a matter of minutes.

I called to let mom and dad know that he was indeed sleeping over...and with no fuss. When mom answered the phone she said when they heard it ring their first thought was "I guess Cade wants to come home", but I fooled them LOL...they were shocked, and happy that he had gone to sleep with no problems and neither of his sisters here :)  Hopefully it will be the first of many, many more "alone" sleepovers for Cade :)

Friday, yesterday, it was Hannah's turn to come over.  I wasn't sure what she would want to do but it turned out she didn't want to do anything! She loves movies and playing on the laptop, so that's what we did. Oh, and she brought her doll and her doll clothes, which she had to change a few times...and also her ipod touch. She tried her hardest to get grandma to learn how to play a game, but to no avail LOL! She also loves to play the little air hockey game that grandpa bought a couple years ago for's just a small table model, but we sure have fun when we play. And, the little stinker likes to "cheat"...I caught her a couple times with her fingers over the hole for her net....hehehe!

Her biggest excitement, and grandpa's too, was having hotdogs for supper....yeah!! They are both hotdogs lovers and don't get them very often, so Hannah really looked forward to supper. The best part...they were going to use the hotdog toaster that grandpa received as his secret santa gift (from mom) at Christmas. He didn't want to use it before this so he and Hannah could enjoy the treat...and enjoy it they did...especially when the weiners bounced right out the toaster as one point...hehehe!

So it was a quiet, relaxing evening with Hannah and us cuddling on the sofa...with the odd tickle here and there. When it was time for bed she took her ipod and I let her play games for a half hour. Then it was lights out and she followed suit a few minutes later, after a back scratch from grandma :)

Both mornings we had pancakes for for Cade and green for Hannah. Grandpa is always happy to have pancakes when the kids come because grandma makes extra and he gets to snack on them throughout the day LOL!

Ahhhhh what fun and what special memories we can take with us until the next visit!  Thanks for coming kids.

Grandma loves you