Monday, 11 February 2013

What goes up.....

Well I think you know the rest of that sentence :)  Yes, the girls and Cade have taken up skiing and be precise, the girls are snowboarding and Cade is skiing.

They've been at it for about 3 or 4 weekends now and with the weather being so darn cold I wasn't about to go stand in the subzero temperatures to watch them come down the bunny hill LOL! However, yesterday was the day to venture out. 

They called around 1:15 to let us know they were having lunch then heading to town to the ski hill. It really is surprising how many layers of clothing a person can get on when faced with standing in the cold for a couple hours LOL...but you already know that we grandparents will do just about anything to see a smile on our grandkids little faces :)
  Here's the gang, ready for their afternoon of fun!
Don't you just love those little skis that Cade is
learning on? LOL!
So off grandpa and I went...not sure if I'd ever be able to sit in the car without popping some piece of clothing LOL!  We arrived and waited until the gang got there a few minutes after us.  The hills were quite busy, especially the bunny hill, but it didn't stop their enthusiasm to get their boards/skis on and hit that hill!

Grandpa had gone once before to watch them and help with Cade, so Cade was in full grandpa mode, wanting Papa to walk up the hill with him, help him get his skis on and then follow him back down the hill to help him back up again LOL!
Grandpa and Cade halfway up the hill
getting Cade's skis on :)

I must say I was quite impressed and amazed at how quickly they all picked up their new sports of choice!  Very little falling, bruising or long as grandpa was there to help Hailee and Cade up the hill....hehehe! 

It was a great afternoon watching the grandkids experience this new activity, and to see their huge smiles as they came swooshing towards grandma, and often, swooshing right on by.

We're really looking forward to the next long as the weather cooperates LOL!

Grandma loves you