Goodness, I didn't check in for a couple weeks, and now I'm writing two days in a row LOL!
What a great day as grandpa and Hannah went skating with her class. Hannah likes when Grandpa goes on the bus with her, so he drove to school and they took the short drive over to the arena. Of course we can't mention skating in a cold arena today without mentioning that it was also -25 this morning, without a windchill. So to say the arena was 'chilly', would be putting it mildly.
It has been many, many years since I was in that arena, but it instantly brought back memories of having our 3 sons in hockey. Oh the years of having numb bums...hehehe....frozen toes....and fingers with no feeling in them, were brought right to the forefront of my memories! Parents all huddled in the stands, trying to catch a wee flicker of heat from the too-few ceiling heaters, that very seldom actually worked. Ahhhh...memories :)
Mind you, Hannah was rather warm from her skating around the rink, and just HAD to stop to sit every turn around the ice LOL! Then she was hungry, then she was thirsty...hehehe....the joys of awful lot like parenting, however without the need to keep discipline in the forefront. It's all about what the grandkids want, whether they need it or not, and whether mom and dad would approve of it all...hehehe! We do have to push the rules once in a while. And having said that, I did pack a cookie and some mini marshmallows for Hannah's snack. She loves marshmallows..and doesn't hate all went well.
Tomorrow morning is swimming classes for both girls, so grandma and grandpa will be there to watch...and grandma will be there to get bathing suits on, off, showers, hair washed, dried, dressed and back in the car to go home with daddy! See you then guys!
Grandma loves you