Oh goodness, grandma has been waaaaaay behind the times. It's been such a busy few weeks that I haven't taken time to sit and put my thoughts down.
Grandpa and grandma have been busy with going to Toronto for conferences, visiting our middle son with the whole gang and back to Toronto again LOL!
Sadly our youngest son and his wife have decided to finally call it quits....long story, but good news for us as we have him back in our family circle once again. It's been a very long 10 years, but we now have two young grandchildren to get to know and that we can enjoy with the rest of the family.
Soooooo it was indeed a very special occasion when we went to our middle son's home...everyone was there (well, except for his wife who was away for the week), but perhaps next time we will all be together. The perfect time for a long over due family picture!
Snow tubing, playing games, getting to know cousins, great food, hot tubs, LOTS of laughs...a grandma and grandpa couldn't ask for more, and we look forward to our next get together.
I must say, both grandpa and I had seriously thought we would take at least one ride down the snow tubing hills....but after pulling into the parking lot at the ski hill and watching how FAST people were flying down that tubing hill, we both changed our minds. I am not a fan of rides to begin with, and fast rides are beyond the bottom of my bucket list of things to do LOL!
Everyone else just loved it though, and had a blast. Poor Hannah went down once and wasn't feeling well....bad cough/fever....so she hung around with our youngest granddaughter Aislin, grandpa and I and the two of them enjoyed being pulled around in the tube by grandpa, and enjoyed the chalet because that's where the food was LOL!
The day after snow tubing was fun too as we drove our oldest son and DIL to Toronto as they were flying out to Cuba early the next morning. So Uncle Warren drove all of us to their hotel where we enjoyed a couple hours in the pool and a delicious buffet dinner at our favorite Chinese restaurant :) How many 4 year olds do you know that will eat a plate full of broccoli at a buffet? LOL!
We weren't quite sure how Cade was going to react to leaving mom and dad at the hotel, but we had him in stitches all the way back to Uncle Warren's place and had no problems with him. We enjoyed the hot tub that night, and the girls actually had goggles on and were swimming in the hot tub LOL! Cade even surprised us by going under the water! Something he has never wanted to do, but for some reason felt the hot tub was the place to do it....hehehe! Led on by all our cheers and clapping hands, he kept going further and further under, and without holding his nose! What a great time we had! He was so proud of himself and so were we :)

It didn't take long for all of us to fall asleep that night, and we knew the next day would be even busier! Uncle Warren drove us by the school where he teaches, then we went to the fire hall where he is a volunteer firefighter. The kids enjoyed a very personalized tour and surprisingly, were very interested in things and asking questions. What surprised grandma the most was just how heavy all that firefighters equipment is! Wow....you really need to be in shape to fight fires with all that stuff on!
For some reason Hailee was nervous and was positive the big fire trucks were going to tip over :) It took some convincing to get her inside with all of us together, and when she had enough, she wanted out LOL!
Then an experience for Uncle Warren that he hadn't had before.....Glow in the Dark mini golf....hehehe! As much fun as it was for the kids, I doubt Uncle Warren will be going back any time soon LOL! Eighteen holes of chasing balls, telling the kids to not swing until everyone is out of club distance, suggesting they don't swing 'so' hard as the ball would hit the edges of the greens and take off to unknown distances in the dark LOL! Definitely a fun experience, right Uncle Warren?? :) :)
As we were driving to Mini Golf we passed a huge tropical fish store and said we'd stop after we were done Golfing, and that's what we did! Wow, talk about interesting fish and they even had sharks in a huge aquarium! Beautiful creatures when you see them up close and personal.
Cade was taken with the big turtles they had in a pond, and I must admit, so was I. I had a turtle for 13 years quite a few years ago, and would love to have another but we're just too busy and away too often to have a big aquarium to look after.
It took a while for us to decide where we would go to eat, and it was finally decided that we would go back to our favorite Chinese buffet. Hailee loves that place....well maybe I should say Hailee loves looking at the dessert table at the Chinese buffet LOL!
Before we knew it our few days away with the kids was over and it was time to head home. Lots of great memories to take with us though :) Until our next trip!
Grandma loves you