Hey, you'd better not be drinking that Coffee Hailee LOL!
Love that pumpkin :)
We played inside for a while, then he decided he wanted to go outside. So we bundled up...poor little guy has pneumonia....and went out to rake the leaves from the deck for Grandpa. Then we took a little walk around the huge brush piles in the back corner of the yard, as well as fix the fencing that the bear trampled through last night....ugh. Darn bears. Don't they realize it's time to go to sleep for the next few months?The time went way too quickly, and before we knew it, mom was in the backyard calling to us. We played a game of hide and seek so she had to come look for us.....and find us she did. Just look at the great pic she took when she found us :)
Grandma's going to have to stop crouching down
like this. My old knees can't take it too well LOL!
Tomorrow we have Hannah over for a sleepover, so we'll have to think of some fun things to keep us occupied :)
Grandma loves you