Saturday, 16 February 2013

It Doesn't Take Much..... certainly doesn't take much for kids to amuse themselves at times.  Our oldest son, wife and the 3 grandkids came over for a visit and supper last night. And before you ask, we had spaghetti LOL!  It's the only food that all 3 kids can agree on....well, actually, it's the only food that I can get Hailee to eat without getting into an argument....hehehe....Hannah and Cade will eat just about anything, so they're easy to feed :)

Anyway, after supper and one of their favorite desserts...jello made with ice cream that gets firm enough to eat with your fingers...they got into play mode.  Downstairs to play library with grandpa, then upstairs to see what they could get into in their bedroom, making cards for mom and dad etc.

While playing we could hear the kids calling out to grandpa...."oh Mr. Bob" and "hey, Bob the builder" LOL!  At one point Cade brought a card out to the living room where Mom, dad and grandma were sitting. He had grandpa help him print out "mom and dad" on the card and was shocked that there was an "o" in mom's name.  He told mom that she didn't have an "o" in her name but she explained that there was indeed an "o" on the word mom, but not in her real name, Angele LOL!

Shortly after that he was playing around with his scissors and came pretty close to hitting dad with them, so dad took the scissors away until Cade apologized. Well, needless to say a good 20 minutes later dad was still waiting for his apology, Cade crying and fussing the whole time....hmmm....stubborn little guy, isn't he LOL!  Cade then announced that he was taking dad's name off the card he made....hehehe!  We had a great laugh at that one!! Thankfully by the time they left, Cade had decided that dad was in his good graces once again and his name could remain on the card LOL!

Once an apology was finally given the kids went on with their play.  In the living room we could hear this giggling coming down the hallway from the kid's bedroom.  First thing you know there came the girls....laughing and almost falling over. Each was stuffed into a leg on a pair of old lounger pants of mine that Hailee found in the closet LOL! 

I have no idea why I even bought the lounger set many years was big on me back then....but I liked the feel and color. I'm sure I imagined myself being able to relax some evening after soaking in a nice bubble bath...putting my feet up, reading a good book and letting the world pass me by.  Wrong....never did happen LOL!

Now it dawned on me why I had never given the set away, or thrown them out.  In the back of my mind I must have thought "ah day our grandkids will be able to have fun playing with these pants" LOL!  And fun they had.  Each had to take a turn with the other, being stuffed into the pants....more giggling, laughing and falling over!

What a great picture to have in my mind while I fell asleep last night!  You kids keep surprising grandpa and I with your creativity and love of having a good time. Never stop and never grow up....hehehe! Thanks for coming over!

Grandma love you