Well I bet everyone here had no idea that we get Tornadoes up here in Northern Ontario! But we do, and they come in the form of grandchildren LOL!
Hubby and I went for our usual morning walk and got back a few minutes before 9:00 today. Just as we came in the door the phone rang. I checked the caller ID and noticed it was from our son/DIL's number. I grabbed the phone and said "Good morning", thinking it was our DIL Angele. Nope....I heard this little voice say "grandma, can we come over for a visit some time today so we can work on crafts? We didn't get a chance to do any yesterday."
As if this grandma would ever say NO Hailee, you can't come over :) So I told her to get daddy to drop her and her sister off on his way to work. She got so excited and handed the phone to daddy, then I could hear both girls in the background saying "we have to get dressed, we have to get dressed...daddy don't leave without us."
I quickly jumped in the shower and got ready for the invasion, anxiously waiting for the most beautiful granddaughters in the world to come running up the driveway for kisses and hugs, as if they hadn't seen us in months. Does it get any better than that?
We drew, colored and autographed pictures...grandma on a little stool which I definitely had a hard time getting up from (I'll be paying for that later)....worked on 3 puzzles with those huge pieces, had a tea party with tiny ceramic cups and saucers that are kept in my china cabinet with all my other collections that are pecious to me, and waited for mom and little brother to come over.
The 3 of them ended up playing in the hallway with chairs, dolls, strollers, trucks, cars....you name it they had it in the hallway :) The little guy had to spend time here playing too because it wouldn't be "fair" if his sisters spent time here and he didn't. When he realized his sisters were leaving him behind this morning, he kept saying "me go too....me go too" LOL! Besides, he and grandpa are attached at the hip, so any excuse to have grandpa spoil him is a good excuse indeed :)
It's so heartwarming knowing that your grandchildren want to spend time with you. As they grow and get older, leaving us in their shadows, these times will be fewer and further apart. Their friends become more important and other things take priority, more so than spending time with the "old folks", which is all normal and good. It's all a part of life. It's as it should be. No doubt we'd all be worried if they didn't follow the normal path.
Hopefully these times we have been lucky enough to spend together will stay tucked away in their memories so they can snatch them out and remember from time to time.
We wouldn't trade these tornadoes for all the world!
Grandma loves you