Thursday, 1 March 2012

Just What I Needed.....

Grandpa and I have had a very busy couple of weeks. We went away last weekend for 4 days to visit out two youngest grandkids.....our oldest son, DIL and 3 grandkids went away the weekend before for 4 days. So it's been awhile since we've had some good hugs and kisses from eager little people :)

The girls started a new session of swimming classes tonight, so off grandpa and I went to watch and cheer on their continuing success in the water.  As usual for swimming night, I made peanut butter sandwiches and a few snacks for each of the girls....and of course, we can't forget little brother Cade....hehehe!  I think that's the only reason he likes to see me there....he knows food is involved.

He quietly sits on my lap and finishes each 'course' then asks for the next one. Once he's done, that's it. Time to go walking around the track with grandpa LOL!

It felt soooo good to greet them at the door to the rec centre and have them run into our waiting arms. Nothing like it in the world.

See you Saturday for Hannah's birthday party guys!

Grandma loves you