These were the yelling words I heard a couple days ago when Hailee came running into the house. I just HAD to go see the baby mouse in my Fairy Garden...hehehe!
Grandma, have to come quick, come see the baby mouse, come on grandma before it runs away!
Hailee was showing her friend "J" my fairy garden in the backyard, when Cade lifted an old decorative birdhouse from the top of a stump. Well, wouldn't you know it, a mom mouse and a baby mouse jumped out! The kids said the mommy mouse ran up the tree, but the baby mouse landed at the base of the stump and wasn't moving...but that the mommy mouse was still watching them :)
I have to admit, it was really, really cute....hehehe! So I picked it up in my hand and let the kids have a good look. Then I told Cade to hold the birdhouse up and I put the baby mouse back into the nest that had been made inside the rotting stump.
Never a dull moment when the grandkids, and their friends, are around LOL!
They wanted to stay when it was time to leave, so grandpa said he would drive J home on the way to drop off Hailee and Cade home. It was only for a hour, but it was a busy hour playing hide & seek. How many places are there to hide in our house, just ask 3 young kids....hehehe!
Grandma love you...and your friends :)

Friday, 27 July 2012
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Quality Time......
Grandpa and I were lucky this weekend. We were able to have Hannah all to ourselves! Big sister and little brother went camping with Memere and Pepere....Hannah is not so crazy about the bush, or about sweating, or being hot....hehehe....all of which would have hit her this weekend with the weather we've been having.
So the other two went on their merry way and mom and dad dropped Hannah off here yesterday morning. I must say she really is easy to have around when she's by herself. She isn't into needing to "do" things. All she wanted was to go to the playground a couple doors down from their house. So...that's what we did. We even offered to go to the movies and she said no.
Hannah is such a combo between wanting to be a Tom Boy and a Princess....hehehe! She was not happy that the slides were wet. By wet I mean a few drops from the rain their area had before we arrived at the playground. So grandpa walked back to the deck and brought back a towel to wipe down the slides for Hannah LOL!
We asked her what she wanted to do after we left the playground and all she wanted to do was go swimming. She's like a fish! I tried to talk her out of it as it wasn't exactly swimming weather. Beside the cooler temperature there was a really strong wind blowing. She wasn't going to be persuaded any differently, so after stopping to pick up Subs for lunch, we came back here to eat, change into bathing suits, gathered towels and away we went.
Brrrrrrrrr is all grandma can say about stepping into that pool LOL! Wow, it was really cold. But I do have to say that I was the first one in. Hannah stood on the steps, shaking, for a few minutes...and grandpa was still sitting in a lawn chair on the deck! Come on chickens. If grandma can do it, so can you.
Hannah asked what we were doing, and I tried to explain that we were making a whirlpool....if she waited, she would see how it worked. It didn't take long for the current to take her around the pool, with her giggling the whole time. She tried to swim back to the steps and she couldn't get there, so more laughing ensued....hehehe! We had a great time!
After 45 minutes my body was getting goosebumps. It was time to get out! Hannah wanted to swim underwater just one more time, between my legs to the other side of the pool first. The little stinker made it too. Between her love of water and the way she climbs on the monkey bars, I started calling her "Fishmonk"....hehehe! She wasn't impressed.
We came home and she wanted to make a puppet with all the craft stuff I had on the table from the other day when Hailee and Cade were over. She is SO precise in how she wants things to look, and gave me perfect instructions how to sew this, that and the other thing onto her "dragon". It turned out really well and we spent almost an hour role playing with the puppets.
Grandpa had her in stitches when he took over. It's amazing how goofy we will act to get a laugh out of our grandkids LOL! Wish I had filmed her....she couldn't stop laughing and was almost falling off her stool....hehehe!
Of course she didn't think she needed to have a bath because of being in the pool, so I let her get away with it last night :) Pj time, snack time, quiet time and falling asleep time on the couch...with her leg in the air because she was hot.
As normal on mornings after a sleepover, it's pancake time and Hannah was excited to be able to crack all the eggs by herself this time. She even got to choose the color she wanted....GREEN!
Mom and dad came around 10:30 to pick her up and we visited for a while before they went on their way. Hannah picked up all the goodies she wanted to bring home....puppets (Hailee & Cades as well as her own), wallet, clothes and Star. Her sleeping buddy. Actually, she has SIX Stars and knows the slightest difference between them all!
It was back to boring regular stuff once they were gone....laundry, dishes, laundry. I did manage to sit out in the gazebo to get some birdwatching in before it got too warm outside though. So I was happy.
Today was also our youngest granddaughter's 1/2 year birthday! Imagine that! Aislin is already 6 months old. She'll be crawling before long. Can't wait until our next visit!
Until next time.
Grandma loves you
So the other two went on their merry way and mom and dad dropped Hannah off here yesterday morning. I must say she really is easy to have around when she's by herself. She isn't into needing to "do" things. All she wanted was to go to the playground a couple doors down from their house. So...that's what we did. We even offered to go to the movies and she said no.
See....just like a monkey LOL!
It was a nice overcast, almost chilly day considering the scorching weather we've had lately. It was a perfect day for grandma to be outside!Hannah is such a combo between wanting to be a Tom Boy and a Princess....hehehe! She was not happy that the slides were wet. By wet I mean a few drops from the rain their area had before we arrived at the playground. So grandpa walked back to the deck and brought back a towel to wipe down the slides for Hannah LOL!
We asked her what she wanted to do after we left the playground and all she wanted to do was go swimming. She's like a fish! I tried to talk her out of it as it wasn't exactly swimming weather. Beside the cooler temperature there was a really strong wind blowing. She wasn't going to be persuaded any differently, so after stopping to pick up Subs for lunch, we came back here to eat, change into bathing suits, gathered towels and away we went.
Brrrrrrrrr is all grandma can say about stepping into that pool LOL! Wow, it was really cold. But I do have to say that I was the first one in. Hannah stood on the steps, shaking, for a few minutes...and grandpa was still sitting in a lawn chair on the deck! Come on chickens. If grandma can do it, so can you.
See....just like a fish! Hence....Fishmonk!
And there she goes LOL!
And there she goes LOL!
Sorry for grandma's get up...but with
my vitiligo I have to stay covered up.
Once we were all 'wet' and shivering, grandpa decided to try and warn up so started walking around the edge of the pool. I waited until he was halfway around and I started walking in the circle too. my vitiligo I have to stay covered up.
Hannah asked what we were doing, and I tried to explain that we were making a whirlpool....if she waited, she would see how it worked. It didn't take long for the current to take her around the pool, with her giggling the whole time. She tried to swim back to the steps and she couldn't get there, so more laughing ensued....hehehe! We had a great time!
After 45 minutes my body was getting goosebumps. It was time to get out! Hannah wanted to swim underwater just one more time, between my legs to the other side of the pool first. The little stinker made it too. Between her love of water and the way she climbs on the monkey bars, I started calling her "Fishmonk"....hehehe! She wasn't impressed.
We came home and she wanted to make a puppet with all the craft stuff I had on the table from the other day when Hailee and Cade were over. She is SO precise in how she wants things to look, and gave me perfect instructions how to sew this, that and the other thing onto her "dragon". It turned out really well and we spent almost an hour role playing with the puppets.
Battle of the puppets!
Of course she didn't think she needed to have a bath because of being in the pool, so I let her get away with it last night :) Pj time, snack time, quiet time and falling asleep time on the couch...with her leg in the air because she was hot.
LOL....there's Mylo laying at her head.
They were both out cold!
Hannah was not impressed this morning when grandpa
showed her this picture. She said she had better not see
it on Facebook....hehehe! She really wanted us
to delete it! We think it's cute, so it stays LOL!
Grandpa moved her to our bed...she decided to sleep with me last night....and grandpa went to the spare room. I have to say, grandpa and I have slept apart more in the last 8 years since grandkids came along, than we have the other 32 years of our marriage LOL! All for a great cause however, all for a great cause :)As normal on mornings after a sleepover, it's pancake time and Hannah was excited to be able to crack all the eggs by herself this time. She even got to choose the color she wanted....GREEN!
Mom and dad came around 10:30 to pick her up and we visited for a while before they went on their way. Hannah picked up all the goodies she wanted to bring home....puppets (Hailee & Cades as well as her own), wallet, clothes and Star. Her sleeping buddy. Actually, she has SIX Stars and knows the slightest difference between them all!
It was back to boring regular stuff once they were gone....laundry, dishes, laundry. I did manage to sit out in the gazebo to get some birdwatching in before it got too warm outside though. So I was happy.
Today was also our youngest granddaughter's 1/2 year birthday! Imagine that! Aislin is already 6 months old. She'll be crawling before long. Can't wait until our next visit!
Until next time.
Grandma loves you
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Quality Time....
Hailee always wants to come to our place for a visit, but there's a catch...she wants to come by herself....hehehe! So yesterday was the day. The night before at her soccer game, grandpa told her she could come the next day (yesterday) or today....her choice. 8:30 yesterday morning the phone rang and all I can hear is "grandma, last night grandpa told me I could go to your house today or tomorrow....can I come today?" There was a catch, but a different one than I expected. She said Cade wanted to come too....and that she was okay with that :) I mentioned that she wouldn't be "alone" if he came, but it didn't matter. All that mattered is that she was the only "girl"....meaning, no little sister hanging around....hehehe!
I had to go to town for a few things so I said I'd pick her up if she wanted to go shopping, which she did, and that we could pick up Cade on the way back. When I told grandpa our plans, he decided to come to town with us...anything for his little granddaughter by the time we stopped to pick Hailee up, Cade had decided he wanted to go shopping to. I think he was afraid that we wouldn't pick him up on the way back home LOL!
Off to town we went....stopping of course for breakfast first thing :)) Then off to Michaels for some craft stuff. They both saw furry puppets that they wanted, but grandpa suggested that we make sock puppets at home, so we bought a big container of things we could decorate the puppets with. Grandpa kindly donated some new socks that he didnt like....hehehe! Thanks Grandpa :)
Hailee didn't finish hers yet, and I did Cade's according to his instructions, but he wouldn't let me get a picture of him with Mr. Rufus on his hand :)) I'll catch him one day when he's not looking LOL!
We were all playing and suddenly it got very quiet...there was Hailee watching her tv show and our little man was fast asleep on the couch....sitting up LOL! Naturally I just had to take a picture before laying him down...or before he could complain about having a picture taken LOL! How cute is this?? 8:30 yesterday morning the phone rang and all I can hear is "grandma, last night grandpa told me I could go to your house today or tomorrow....can I come today?" There was a catch, but a different one than I expected. She said Cade wanted to come too....and that she was okay with that :) I mentioned that she wouldn't be "alone" if he came, but it didn't matter. All that mattered is that she was the only "girl"....meaning, no little sister hanging around....hehehe!
I had to go to town for a few things so I said I'd pick her up if she wanted to go shopping, which she did, and that we could pick up Cade on the way back. When I told grandpa our plans, he decided to come to town with us...anything for his little granddaughter by the time we stopped to pick Hailee up, Cade had decided he wanted to go shopping to. I think he was afraid that we wouldn't pick him up on the way back home LOL!
Off to town we went....stopping of course for breakfast first thing :)) Then off to Michaels for some craft stuff. They both saw furry puppets that they wanted, but grandpa suggested that we make sock puppets at home, so we bought a big container of things we could decorate the puppets with. Grandpa kindly donated some new socks that he didnt like....hehehe! Thanks Grandpa :)
Hailee didn't finish hers yet, and I did Cade's according to his instructions, but he wouldn't let me get a picture of him with Mr. Rufus on his hand :)) I'll catch him one day when he's not looking LOL!
We were all playing and suddenly it got very quiet...there was Hailee watching her tv show and our little man was fast asleep on the couch....sitting up LOL! Naturally I just had to take a picture before laying him down...or before he could complain about having a picture taken LOL! How cute is this??
Ahhhh.....all tuckered out
from playing too hard :)
For supper they decided they wanted bacon sandwiches....yes, you're reading right...bacon sandwiches. I may or may not have mentioned in past posts about what a fussy eater that Hailee is, and how difficult it is to get her to eat anything but "white stuff"...but she does love bacon. Bacon is meat? Isn't it? LOL! And don't forget grandma, it has to be crisp enough to break....hehehe :)
So bacon sandwiches and chicken noodle soup were our on our gourmet menu last night. Good to the last drop :)
Cade doesn't like to stay overnight if Hannah isn't around, so he decided to go home to sleep....after his bath of course :) So grandpa drove him home while Hailee and I waited for him to get back so we could have a tea party for her bedtime snack....which had to be before her bath. Another one who was afraid that the tea party may not happen if she didn't do it NOW...hehehe!
It took her a few minutes to decide who she wanted to sleep with, but she finally decided to go downstairs where it's cooler, with grandpa. I had our bed all to myself....except for Sparkles....and it was hard to sleep! I'm used to having grandpa beside me, or one of the kids, but I managed to have a good night anyway.
And Hailee had a very good night, not waking up until 8:15! I felt badly as I had to head to town for an early appt, so she couldn't keep sleeping. She even went home in her pjs, and without breakfast. Who can eat at that time of the morning anyway? LOL!
In a couple days we have Hannah and Cade for the day and overnight, so it will be more fun and games. Looking forward to it.
Grandma love you
Saturday, 14 July 2012
What can be done in 24 hours?
A lot, that's what LOL! Our oldest son and DIL had an out of town golf tournament this weekend, so we split grandparenting duties between us and their other set of grandparents.
Yesterday morning mom and dad dropped off Hailee at Soccer Camp for 9:00, then brought Hannah and Cade here before they left town to hit those little white balls around the wilderness LOL!
Both Hannah and Cade weren't feeling up to par....colds/ it was a rather quiet day, which suited me just fine as I was starting a headcold myself...thanks kids....hehehe!
Grandpa went to pick up Hailee at noon as it was her last day at soccer camp. She did very well and loved it. She said she wants to sign up for full day camp next summer :)
We played, ate, dozed off on the couch, played some more, ate some more...hehehe....and then it was time for the chocolate fountain...YES!!! We didn't use it last weekend for Hailee's birthday party as there was way too much food to eat, so we kept the chocolate for yesterday. The kids were excited as I cut up fruit and counted out 20 mini marshmallows for each of them :)
I searched a cupboard for an extension cord so we could have the fountain on the table, turned the switch to "heat", then melted the chocolate in the microwave while the fountain heated up. When the chocolate was nice and smooth I poured it into the little container at the bottom of the fountain and switched it on.
Surprisingly the girls said they liked the fruit much better with the chocolate than the marshmallows. Note to need for sweet on sweet next time LOL!
I'm afraid grandma didn't get much chance to sit and enjoy it as I had to melt more chocolate. The booklet that came with the fountain said it took 2 1/2 pounds, but I had more and it still wasn't enough to keep the chocolate flowing smoothly. Between melting chocolate on the go and cutting up more apples and strawberries....who knew they would eat so much fruit? LOL....I ended up at the end of it all snacking on some fruit. It was still a lot of fun though, and grandma will be better prepared the next time we decide to enjoy chocolate.
Grandpa and I really thought it would be a while before they asked for supper as it was already after 4:00 when we finished. However it didn't take long before one after the other they said "when are we going to eat?"
Luckily we have a great place just a few minutes away called Cousin Vinny's (yes, definitely an Italian Restaurant) and their kid's menu is only $5....which includes a drink and a big dish of ice cream for dessert! All 3 kids LOVE the chicken fingers there....real chicken I must it's become a favorite place for all of us.
A lady I know from when our boys played hockey, was there with her husband. As they were leaving she stopped to say how impressed she was with the kids, and how well behaved they were while sitting in the restaurant. She said she never goes anywhere but McD's with her grandkids as that's all they can handle....hehehe!
So parents, take heed....children can be taught manners and how to behave. No need to be afraid to say "NO" to a child when they need it...and believe me, they DO need it at times :))
After we ate it was time to dig out our change so they could ride on the Rides in the Mall. A must every time we're there....hehehe! And what's a trip to the Mall without stopping at the Pet Store to check out the bunnies, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds and fish.
We had promised them a while back that we would replace the goldfish they won at the fair and put in our big aquarium so they would survive, with Bettas. So Hailee got it in her head that she just HAD to have her betta right then and there. She saw a beautifully colored one that she already was calling Rainbow, so after a bit of pleading with grandpa, they each left with their own betta....with a promise of going shopping this morning in town to find tanks for each of them, after we had breakfast at a local pancake place.
By the time we got home from supper it was bath time, snack time and then bedtime. They were all tuckered out. Hannah and Cade from not feeling well and Hailee from her hard week at soccer :) It didn't take long for all to fall asleep, including grandpa and I....all dreaming about shopping for those tanks LOL!
Up early we got washed up, teeth brushed, hair brushed, changed and were in the car at 9:00 so we wouldn't have to wait in line at the restaurant for breakfast. Yummy crepes with sides of Nutella and Whipped Cream. Could you ask for anything better? LOL! It was nice of grandpa to take us out so I wouldn't have to make crepes this morning :)
On the way there Hannah asked me if I could get my fingers overlapping each other, ending with the baby finger on top of the others. It took some manouvering, but I did manage it. A few minutes later we could hear from the back seat "oh my gawd Hailee, even an old lady can do it and you can't." Well did grandpa and I have a good long laugh at that one LOL!
Once crepes were eaten they were in a hurry to get to the Pet Store where all craziness broke out as they ran down the decoration isle to look for hiding places to put in with their bettas....before we even selected tanks! This this that one....I don't know which one I want....this one....noooooooooooo......
We were finally able to convince them to each find a tank so we could try out the decorations inside to see if they fit. About 20 minutes later grandpa found the exact type of tank that I was looking for, down another isle. They had exactly 3 of those tanks left! We then opened a box, took a tank out and started trying decorations in it.
Hannah decided on a pink castle, and pink gravel....her bedroom, needless to say is PINK, while Cade found a submarine and chose his favorite color of ORANGE for gravel. It took Hailee a while longer to get what she wanted.....she couldn't make up her mind, going from one to another, to another, but she finally settled on a really nice decoration and GREEN gravel.
Ahhhhhh....time to pay and go home to wash it all. Thank you grandpa. You're the best :) :)
Once each of them helped me wash the gravel/tanks/decorations, and set up the tanks they decided they wanted to stay and play for a bit. To them playing means putting on a "show" for grandpa and I. So as we patiently waited in the living room, they prepared their "play", costumes and dialogue in the bedroom.
By the time 2:00 came along they wanted a Creamsicle, so after cooling off with that, Cade fell asleep on the couch. He was too pooped to poop...hehehe!
While Cade was sleeping Grandpa loaded up everything in the car so we'd be ready to go when Cade woke up. Finally at 3:00 he sat up, eyes half closed, yawning, but ready to go. He wakes up in such a great mood all the time, unlike his sisters...hehehe!
When we reached home grandpa unloaded everything from the car and we placed their tanks in the rec room where it was cooler for the fish. Dad and mom are having central air installed in the next couple of weeks, but it's very hot right now in their bedrooms, so grandma thought it would be better to not make the fish 'boil' in that kind of heat.
I brought my hand pail along and filled each tank, explaining to the kids that they could NOT put their fish in the tanks until after supper tomorrow night, then they could feed them again.
You all know those little clear cups that pet stores sell bettas in, well the kids each watched their fish earlier eating the tiny pellets we bought for each of them. They got soooo excited to watch their fish gulp at the pellets.
We also had a great laugh when Hailee's fish spit out all the pellets it had taken. Grandpa, who always has a smart reply for everything, said "Hailee, the fish is perfect for's just as fussy as you are when it comes to eating." LOLOL!!!
So at 4:00 grandpa and I were ready to leave them and come home. It's a very hot/humid day and I was ready to just crash for the rest of the evening...which is what I am doing :)
Grandma loves you
Yesterday morning mom and dad dropped off Hailee at Soccer Camp for 9:00, then brought Hannah and Cade here before they left town to hit those little white balls around the wilderness LOL!
Both Hannah and Cade weren't feeling up to par....colds/ it was a rather quiet day, which suited me just fine as I was starting a headcold myself...thanks kids....hehehe!
Grandpa went to pick up Hailee at noon as it was her last day at soccer camp. She did very well and loved it. She said she wants to sign up for full day camp next summer :)
We played, ate, dozed off on the couch, played some more, ate some more...hehehe....and then it was time for the chocolate fountain...YES!!! We didn't use it last weekend for Hailee's birthday party as there was way too much food to eat, so we kept the chocolate for yesterday. The kids were excited as I cut up fruit and counted out 20 mini marshmallows for each of them :)
I searched a cupboard for an extension cord so we could have the fountain on the table, turned the switch to "heat", then melted the chocolate in the microwave while the fountain heated up. When the chocolate was nice and smooth I poured it into the little container at the bottom of the fountain and switched it on.
YUMMY chocolate....and fruit LOL!
Chug...chug....grrrrr....grrrr.....sput....sput....and there it came! The most beautiful river of melted chocolate was flowing from the top of the fountain over the smooth surfaces of the next two levels. Wow! The kids could hardly wait to stick their little appetizer forks into the goodies on their plates and into the chocolate.Surprisingly the girls said they liked the fruit much better with the chocolate than the marshmallows. Note to need for sweet on sweet next time LOL!
I'm afraid grandma didn't get much chance to sit and enjoy it as I had to melt more chocolate. The booklet that came with the fountain said it took 2 1/2 pounds, but I had more and it still wasn't enough to keep the chocolate flowing smoothly. Between melting chocolate on the go and cutting up more apples and strawberries....who knew they would eat so much fruit? LOL....I ended up at the end of it all snacking on some fruit. It was still a lot of fun though, and grandma will be better prepared the next time we decide to enjoy chocolate.
Grandpa and I really thought it would be a while before they asked for supper as it was already after 4:00 when we finished. However it didn't take long before one after the other they said "when are we going to eat?"
Luckily we have a great place just a few minutes away called Cousin Vinny's (yes, definitely an Italian Restaurant) and their kid's menu is only $5....which includes a drink and a big dish of ice cream for dessert! All 3 kids LOVE the chicken fingers there....real chicken I must it's become a favorite place for all of us.
A lady I know from when our boys played hockey, was there with her husband. As they were leaving she stopped to say how impressed she was with the kids, and how well behaved they were while sitting in the restaurant. She said she never goes anywhere but McD's with her grandkids as that's all they can handle....hehehe!
So parents, take heed....children can be taught manners and how to behave. No need to be afraid to say "NO" to a child when they need it...and believe me, they DO need it at times :))
After we ate it was time to dig out our change so they could ride on the Rides in the Mall. A must every time we're there....hehehe! And what's a trip to the Mall without stopping at the Pet Store to check out the bunnies, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds and fish.
We had promised them a while back that we would replace the goldfish they won at the fair and put in our big aquarium so they would survive, with Bettas. So Hailee got it in her head that she just HAD to have her betta right then and there. She saw a beautifully colored one that she already was calling Rainbow, so after a bit of pleading with grandpa, they each left with their own betta....with a promise of going shopping this morning in town to find tanks for each of them, after we had breakfast at a local pancake place.
By the time we got home from supper it was bath time, snack time and then bedtime. They were all tuckered out. Hannah and Cade from not feeling well and Hailee from her hard week at soccer :) It didn't take long for all to fall asleep, including grandpa and I....all dreaming about shopping for those tanks LOL!
Up early we got washed up, teeth brushed, hair brushed, changed and were in the car at 9:00 so we wouldn't have to wait in line at the restaurant for breakfast. Yummy crepes with sides of Nutella and Whipped Cream. Could you ask for anything better? LOL! It was nice of grandpa to take us out so I wouldn't have to make crepes this morning :)
On the way there Hannah asked me if I could get my fingers overlapping each other, ending with the baby finger on top of the others. It took some manouvering, but I did manage it. A few minutes later we could hear from the back seat "oh my gawd Hailee, even an old lady can do it and you can't." Well did grandpa and I have a good long laugh at that one LOL!
Once crepes were eaten they were in a hurry to get to the Pet Store where all craziness broke out as they ran down the decoration isle to look for hiding places to put in with their bettas....before we even selected tanks! This this that one....I don't know which one I want....this one....noooooooooooo......
We were finally able to convince them to each find a tank so we could try out the decorations inside to see if they fit. About 20 minutes later grandpa found the exact type of tank that I was looking for, down another isle. They had exactly 3 of those tanks left! We then opened a box, took a tank out and started trying decorations in it.
Hannah decided on a pink castle, and pink gravel....her bedroom, needless to say is PINK, while Cade found a submarine and chose his favorite color of ORANGE for gravel. It took Hailee a while longer to get what she wanted.....she couldn't make up her mind, going from one to another, to another, but she finally settled on a really nice decoration and GREEN gravel.
Ahhhhhh....time to pay and go home to wash it all. Thank you grandpa. You're the best :) :)
Once each of them helped me wash the gravel/tanks/decorations, and set up the tanks they decided they wanted to stay and play for a bit. To them playing means putting on a "show" for grandpa and I. So as we patiently waited in the living room, they prepared their "play", costumes and dialogue in the bedroom.
If you look closely you'll notice our little Hannah
now has two front teeth missing! The tooth fairy has
been busy LOL!
Hailee definitely has drama classes in her future.
She loves it LOL!
I wonder how many more years they'll be able to get those fairy/princess dresses on?? They are getting rather short and tight...hehehe! As usual they were fantastic. Although it's getting harder for them to convince their little brother to participate in their antics, or get a princess dress on...something daddy will be happy to know LOL!See what I mean? This was the extent of Cade's acting
participation today LOL!
By the time 2:00 came along they wanted a Creamsicle, so after cooling off with that, Cade fell asleep on the couch. He was too pooped to poop...hehehe!
While Cade was sleeping Grandpa loaded up everything in the car so we'd be ready to go when Cade woke up. Finally at 3:00 he sat up, eyes half closed, yawning, but ready to go. He wakes up in such a great mood all the time, unlike his sisters...hehehe!
When we reached home grandpa unloaded everything from the car and we placed their tanks in the rec room where it was cooler for the fish. Dad and mom are having central air installed in the next couple of weeks, but it's very hot right now in their bedrooms, so grandma thought it would be better to not make the fish 'boil' in that kind of heat.
I brought my hand pail along and filled each tank, explaining to the kids that they could NOT put their fish in the tanks until after supper tomorrow night, then they could feed them again.
You all know those little clear cups that pet stores sell bettas in, well the kids each watched their fish earlier eating the tiny pellets we bought for each of them. They got soooo excited to watch their fish gulp at the pellets.
We also had a great laugh when Hailee's fish spit out all the pellets it had taken. Grandpa, who always has a smart reply for everything, said "Hailee, the fish is perfect for's just as fussy as you are when it comes to eating." LOLOL!!!
So at 4:00 grandpa and I were ready to leave them and come home. It's a very hot/humid day and I was ready to just crash for the rest of the evening...which is what I am doing :)
Grandma loves you
Monday, 9 July 2012
Third Times the Charm....
Yes, three times....that's how many times our granddaughter Hailee has celebrated her 8th birthday this past week....hehehe! How many little girls can say that? During our trip to Toronto last week we had two birthday suppers, each with chocolate and ice cream desserts, complete with sparklers!!
Hailee and I colaborated over the last few weeks on just exactly what grandma was going to make for her party cake. I knew she wanted a Hawaiian themed cake, with a waterfall....oh, and it had to be a talllllll cake LOL!
So with those things in mind, I spent many a night falling asleep thinking of how I was going to make this cake happen. Of course being who I am, I also like to throw something into my cakes that I haven't seen before, so when I decided on the plan for the talllllll waterfall cake, I just knew I had to incorporate water somehow....and the plan was formed to have a little pond with running water :) And you know what? It worked....yipeeeee! Hailee and her friends just loved it. I could have taken quite a few orders from the mom's who saw it also LOL!
All in all it was a wonderful day. The weather was perfect, the company was perfect, the food was perfect, and most of all the birthday girl was perfectly happy. We can't ask for more!
Grandma loves you
Hailee and I colaborated over the last few weeks on just exactly what grandma was going to make for her party cake. I knew she wanted a Hawaiian themed cake, with a waterfall....oh, and it had to be a talllllll cake LOL!
So with those things in mind, I spent many a night falling asleep thinking of how I was going to make this cake happen. Of course being who I am, I also like to throw something into my cakes that I haven't seen before, so when I decided on the plan for the talllllll waterfall cake, I just knew I had to incorporate water somehow....and the plan was formed to have a little pond with running water :) And you know what? It worked....yipeeeee! Hailee and her friends just loved it. I could have taken quite a few orders from the mom's who saw it also LOL!
And this is what grandma came up with!
Grandpa and I dropped it off when I was finished
decorating it, then went home to get ready for the party!
With the hot and humid weather we've had the last number of weeks, a pool party was decided on to have a few of her best friends over to celebrate....pool time, pizza, loot bags, ballons, fruit and veggie trays, an inflatable palm tree with a built in cooler as the planter all came together. Oh, and we can't forget cake.It's difficult to see, but if you look closely
you can see the water coming out from behind
the seashell just above the fish :)
Grandma had also bought a chocolate fountain for the party, but everyone was sooooo stuffed, that we decided we would keep the chocolate and have our own party this coming Friday when all 3 kids will spend part of the weekend. Mom also said "you'll be at grandma's, so mom won't be there to say when you've had enough" LOL! That cinched the deal!We couldn't forget the Tiki Bar on the left.
Thank goodness for chocolate bars LOL!
The birthday girl with Memere & Pepere!
I keep being told to stop making such BIG cakes for the girls and Cade's birthdays, and I keep thinking that one of these years I will make just a normal size cake, but grandma finds it hard to do...hehehe! Maybe it's just me having the need to make something no one has seen before....maybe I want to make sure that the kids remember grandpa and I when we're no longer around, or I'm unable to make these cakes....whatever the reason, I am very happy to do it. I thrive on it! And everyone that attends gets to take some home. Never a shortfall of cake to eat at one of their parties LOL!Can't forget mom & dad!!
All in all it was a wonderful day. The weather was perfect, the company was perfect, the food was perfect, and most of all the birthday girl was perfectly happy. We can't ask for more!
Grandma loves you
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Canada Day Long Weekend.....
And a very long weekend it was! Four days to be exact! Grandpa and I left Saturday morning with Hailee, Hannah and Cade, to visit Uncle Warren and Aunt Cindi for a couple days. They have a new boat and wanted us to spend some time enjoying the water.
About a third of the way into our 3 1/2 hour drive, we stopped at a Trading Post for breakfast. Well, actually it was lunch for the kids and breakfast for grandpa and I LOL! It was way too warm to leave Sparkles in the car, so we grabbed a picnic table outside and moved it into some cool shade provided by the huge spruce trees outside the restaurant.
As we were all engrossed in our various meals, we heard that music. What music you may ask? Well the music that lets everyone around know the Hungry Bear and Blueberry Hound were coming out for a visit. Yipeeeeeee! The girls were quite excited and patiently waited for both the Bear and Hound to make their way over to our table. Cade on the other hand was not impressed, and immediately grabbed my hand and tried to hide behind my leg...hehehe! The only way to get a picture with Cade was to actually be in the picture myself LOL! Don't you just love my new Tilly hat?? A great way to keep the hot sun from my face and ears :) By the time our four days were over, I was quite happy to have that hat. The heat and humidity were horrible for our whole trip.
Just before arriving at Uncle Warren's, we called his cell phone to see where he and Aunt Cindi were. Where else would they be? The boat of course. He said he'd drive home to meet us there. We unloaded the van as fast as we could, changed into our bathing suits, packed towels/sunscreen and away we went to the boat for the afternoon.
Canada Day Weekend....Day 2
Today was going to be another fun day. Once breakfast was done and the cooler packed with goodies for lunch, we loaded up into the van and drove the short 10 minutes to the marina once again. The girls were excited to tube again and wanted to be prepared to show mom and dad how they did it when mom and dad came in after supper.
We anchored in that nice sandy area again for lunch and the kids were able to take off their lifejackets while playing in the water and on the tube. The ducks came up to the boat for handouts for their lunch as well...hehehe! Good thing Uncle Warren and Aunt Cindi had packed a lot of bread!
By mid afternoon everyone was getting tired and we thought we should go back to the house for a nap. Everyone was going to be up late that night to watch the Canada Day fireworks on the lake. We wanted to make sure we were all rested, especially so the kids would be in a good mood when mom and dad came in around 7:00. Hannah and Cade slept for an hour, but Miss Hailee refused to even close her eyes...hehehe!
By the time we made it back to the house it was after 11:00. The kids had gotten their pjs on before the fireworks started, so they were ready for bed after a quick face wash. A good sleep was had by all LOL!
Canada Day Weekend.....Day 3
Our time with Uncle Warren and Aunt Cindi came to an end today. We packed up and headed down to Toronto to check into our hotel. We switched up our plans for today and instead of going to the Zoo, we decided to head to Canada's Wonderland instead. It's only 10 minutes from the hotel, and we wouldn't have to fight Long weekend traffic to get across the city to the zoo.
Wow....can we say hot and humid? Oh my goodness, it was so hot today. By the time the kids hit the rides they wanted too and we headed to the splash pad, it was SO busy there was no room in the change rooms. It was shoulder to shoulder.
So even thought it was Hailee's birthday wish to enjoy the splash pad, we were able to convince her to go back to the pool at the hotel. No one else was there so it was like having our own private pool. We had a ball, and the kids were much happier than being out in the heat :)
The kids love the Rainforest Cafe, so when we left the zoo, that's where we went for an early supper. If you thought Hailee's birthday dessert last night was big, take a look at this humongus dessert! It was enough for the whole table to share LOL! Hailee couldn't even finish her portion...hehehe.
About a third of the way into our 3 1/2 hour drive, we stopped at a Trading Post for breakfast. Well, actually it was lunch for the kids and breakfast for grandpa and I LOL! It was way too warm to leave Sparkles in the car, so we grabbed a picnic table outside and moved it into some cool shade provided by the huge spruce trees outside the restaurant.
As we were all engrossed in our various meals, we heard that music. What music you may ask? Well the music that lets everyone around know the Hungry Bear and Blueberry Hound were coming out for a visit. Yipeeeeeee! The girls were quite excited and patiently waited for both the Bear and Hound to make their way over to our table. Cade on the other hand was not impressed, and immediately grabbed my hand and tried to hide behind my leg...hehehe! The only way to get a picture with Cade was to actually be in the picture myself LOL! Don't you just love my new Tilly hat?? A great way to keep the hot sun from my face and ears :) By the time our four days were over, I was quite happy to have that hat. The heat and humidity were horrible for our whole trip.
We can't forget Grandpa in a picture!
He even danced a bit with the hound and bear LOL!
We managed to stretch out breakfast into a good hour. All the kids ate very well and of course wanted "dessert". This trading post has the best ice cream...yum. It didn't take much for them to convince grandpa to have ice cream LOL! Mom is going to shoot us!! After slurping up our ice cream and having a washroom break we loaded up the car once again and were on our way to Uncle Warren's place!
Cade certainly enjoyed his Spiderman ice cream!!
Just before arriving at Uncle Warren's, we called his cell phone to see where he and Aunt Cindi were. Where else would they be? The boat of course. He said he'd drive home to meet us there. We unloaded the van as fast as we could, changed into our bathing suits, packed towels/sunscreen and away we went to the boat for the afternoon.
Surprisingly, we didn't even feel the heat or humidity once on the lake. It was actually beautiful! A perfect day for boating....and tubing of course :) Not to mention feeding the ducks...and unfortunately, a few gulls as well LOL!
The girls didn't want to go on the tube by themselves, so Aunt Cindi (who LOVES water) said she would go with them. It took a bit of convincing to get Hannah on the tube as she wasn't too sure of it, but once Aunt Cindi got on it made Hannah feel a bit safer :) They had a ball. Hannah kept giving the hand signal for Uncle Warren to go faster and faster....hehehe!
Their smiles say it all!!
Cade was having none of it however. He wasn't even sure about being on the boat....hehehe! By the time we were ready to come in for the day though, he was telling Uncle Warren to go faster too! We stopped a couple times and found a nice little area with a sandy beach where the kids could get out and play on the tube...and munch on some fresh fruit that Aunt Cindi had packed. She thought of everything!
Even Sparkles got into the spirit and had her life
jacket on. She became quite the little boater for the couple
days we were there....going for a swim, sunning herself.
It was all too funny LOL!
Canada Day Weekend....Day 2
Today was going to be another fun day. Once breakfast was done and the cooler packed with goodies for lunch, we loaded up into the van and drove the short 10 minutes to the marina once again. The girls were excited to tube again and wanted to be prepared to show mom and dad how they did it when mom and dad came in after supper.
We anchored in that nice sandy area again for lunch and the kids were able to take off their lifejackets while playing in the water and on the tube. The ducks came up to the boat for handouts for their lunch as well...hehehe! Good thing Uncle Warren and Aunt Cindi had packed a lot of bread!
By mid afternoon everyone was getting tired and we thought we should go back to the house for a nap. Everyone was going to be up late that night to watch the Canada Day fireworks on the lake. We wanted to make sure we were all rested, especially so the kids would be in a good mood when mom and dad came in around 7:00. Hannah and Cade slept for an hour, but Miss Hailee refused to even close her eyes...hehehe!
Hang on to that trailmix Uncle Warren.
All 3 kids were trying to get to the M & M's LOL!
Snacking while waiting for the fireworks to begin!
To kill some time we all got in the boat and headed to an ice cream shop along the waterfront in Barrie, Ontario, then picked our spot to watch the fireworks. What a great night it was, watching all those colors and hearing the crackling and popping of the fireworks.By the time we made it back to the house it was after 11:00. The kids had gotten their pjs on before the fireworks started, so they were ready for bed after a quick face wash. A good sleep was had by all LOL!
Canada Day Weekend.....Day 3
Our time with Uncle Warren and Aunt Cindi came to an end today. We packed up and headed down to Toronto to check into our hotel. We switched up our plans for today and instead of going to the Zoo, we decided to head to Canada's Wonderland instead. It's only 10 minutes from the hotel, and we wouldn't have to fight Long weekend traffic to get across the city to the zoo.
Wow....can we say hot and humid? Oh my goodness, it was so hot today. By the time the kids hit the rides they wanted too and we headed to the splash pad, it was SO busy there was no room in the change rooms. It was shoulder to shoulder.
So even thought it was Hailee's birthday wish to enjoy the splash pad, we were able to convince her to go back to the pool at the hotel. No one else was there so it was like having our own private pool. We had a ball, and the kids were much happier than being out in the heat :)
Cade was getting quite brave with jumping into the pool!
By the time we left the hotel he was even swimming
backwards on his back :)
It's hard to believe that our oldest granddaughter Hailee will be 8 years old tomorrow. Where does the time fly? In celebration of her special day we decided to go out for supper a day early....and will you just look at the dessert she had!! Wow! How can one little girl eat all that by herself you may ask? Let's just say she had a lot of help LOL!
An early happy 8th birthday Hailee!
Canada Day Weekend....Day 4
Oh my, our last day of our trip and today it is Zoo day...yeah! We wanted to get to the zoo early to try and beat the heat. On this kind of day the animals don't even want to be outside and are sleeping the afternoon away.
Wow! It was hot and humid today. Grandma thought yesterday was bad, but today is even worse. Between stops in the shade and having something cool like popsicles to cool off, we could hardly wait to get to the splash park at the zoo. We found a nice shady spot and were wishing we had all brought our bathing suits. As it turned out, grandpa was the only adult among us who had his he had the pleasure of cooling off while running through the fountains, sprays, slides with the kids. I'm not sure who had more fun, grandpa or the kids LOL!
Monkeying around at the zoo LOL!
The kids love the Rainforest Cafe, so when we left the zoo, that's where we went for an early supper. If you thought Hailee's birthday dessert last night was big, take a look at this humongus dessert! It was enough for the whole table to share LOL! Hailee couldn't even finish her portion...hehehe.
She looks so grown up :)
As busy as our four days were, it seemed to go all too quickly, and before we knew it, we were home yesterday afternoon. I have a feeling that next summer we'll be hitting more waterparks than theme parks or the zoo LOL!
Hailee's actual birthday party is on Sunday, and I'm planning a big cake in the Hawaiian theme that she requested. My mind in spinning with all sorts of ideas. Pictures to follow in a few days :)
Grandma loves you
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