It's been so busy the last couple of days that I neglected to post about our visit with our youngest son and his family this past Thursday! Yes, another birthday...our youngest turned 33. Wow, times does fly :)
We were lucky enough to spend a few hours with the grandkids, Keelan and his baby sister Aislin :) She's growing like a weed and has a smile on her face that appears to be a permanent fixture...hehehe! What a great baby!
Keelan was quite happy with the new bull dozer we brought down for him and wanted to put it in his huge sandbox by the barn :) It's actually hard to find any sort of machine that he doesn't already have. He has an obsession with big machines LOL!
He just had to show us his new chicks and ducks that were in a pen in the back yard. Toooo cute. Keelan's favorite is the white chick. Wonder if it will let him hold onto it when it's actually full grown LOL!
We all went out for a great supper....we've been trying to go out with them for a long time now, so were quite happy that Thursday was the day!! A yummy supper and a Happy Birthday song and piece of Keelan LOL! Yes, being only 3 he thinks everyone is still singing happy birthday to him, and that the sparkler and cake is for, who else....but him LOL!
Aislin was soooo good all through supper....although she is starting to look at the food on plates as something she would love to get hold of....hehehe!
The visit ended all too soon, but hopefully it won't be too long before we get down to visit again. Thanks for a great time guys :) We had a ball!
Grandma loves you

Sunday, 27 May 2012
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!
Nothing brings out excitement for the grandkids like celebrating a birthday....especially a grandparent's birthday, because we're so "old" you know....hehehe! Today was no exception! Grandpa's 62nd birthday isn't until tomorrow, but between school and swimming lessons in the evening, today was a much better day for celebrating.
What made it even better is our wonderful DIL brought everything over that we needed for supper. Yup, sausages, potatoes, veggies, corn on the was all there. Grandma had nothing to do! What a great DIL...and what a great meal....yummy!
Not only was it grandpa's birthday, but it was also the day to let the goldfish go into our pond. It's become a yearly tradition that Hailee, Hannah & Cade release the goldfish into their summer home. The big surprise is that it's actually warm enough finally to let them go LOL!
We started out with 4 feeder fish, 9 years ago....grandma bought them to keep in our pond the year Hailee, Hannah and Cade's mom and dad were married! Over the years these 4 fish had hundreds of babies which grandma gave away. I did however keep 3 of them. Never in a million years did I ever imagine that 9 years later, 3 of our grandkids would be helping a couple of the same fish into the pond :)
Sadly, we've lost a few over the years and this summer we only have 3 goldfish. I think grandpa is wanting to add a few more though, so I'm sure our "school" of fish is going to grow shortly LOL!
A bit of drizzle outside didn't put a damper on our fun. We moved indoors and got into some painting...with cut up sponges no less! Hailee was determined to paint with sponges today, and she got her way LOL!
Supper was delicious and then it was time for Happy Birthday and 'cake'.....or should I say it was time for mini cupcakes....hehehe! Yes, we're all trying to be health conscious around here, for the time being at least, so instead of a big cake that we'd be eating for days, we had mini cupcakes....and the best part, each of the kids was allowed to have two! What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon :)
See you at swimming lessons tomorrow night guys!
Grandma loves you
What made it even better is our wonderful DIL brought everything over that we needed for supper. Yup, sausages, potatoes, veggies, corn on the was all there. Grandma had nothing to do! What a great DIL...and what a great meal....yummy!
Not only was it grandpa's birthday, but it was also the day to let the goldfish go into our pond. It's become a yearly tradition that Hailee, Hannah & Cade release the goldfish into their summer home. The big surprise is that it's actually warm enough finally to let them go LOL!
We started out with 4 feeder fish, 9 years ago....grandma bought them to keep in our pond the year Hailee, Hannah and Cade's mom and dad were married! Over the years these 4 fish had hundreds of babies which grandma gave away. I did however keep 3 of them. Never in a million years did I ever imagine that 9 years later, 3 of our grandkids would be helping a couple of the same fish into the pond :)
Sadly, we've lost a few over the years and this summer we only have 3 goldfish. I think grandpa is wanting to add a few more though, so I'm sure our "school" of fish is going to grow shortly LOL!
A bit of drizzle outside didn't put a damper on our fun. We moved indoors and got into some painting...with cut up sponges no less! Hailee was determined to paint with sponges today, and she got her way LOL!
Supper was delicious and then it was time for Happy Birthday and 'cake'.....or should I say it was time for mini cupcakes....hehehe! Yes, we're all trying to be health conscious around here, for the time being at least, so instead of a big cake that we'd be eating for days, we had mini cupcakes....and the best part, each of the kids was allowed to have two! What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon :)
See you at swimming lessons tomorrow night guys!
Grandma loves you
Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Catching Up....
I must say that times does fly when you're having fun with the grandkids....and drags when you aren't having fun with them :)
I know it's been awhile since I've written here, but it's been awhile since I've been able to sit down and think about everything that has gone on!
As said previously, the gang did go to Disney World and they DID have a wonderful time. Oh the stories....hehehe....I feel like I was actually with them, especially when they go into detail about each and every ride....grandma doesn't do rides very well LOL....and I could feel my stomach lurching just hearing about them. Especially the one where they came out of their seats, in the dark LOL!
The following day they were here bright and early for a sleepover....yipeeeeee! They sure can keep us busy just playing in the yard.....mudpies, cabins, swinging, the playground, not to mention "grandma, we need another cage for our animals" LOL! Yes, they were setting up an "animal rescue" in their cabin in the bushes, using my animals from around the yard....birds, rabbits, raccoons, turtles, frogs....they captured them all, and they are all still caged, waiting for the next visit :)
And we can't forget the "plays" the 3 of them put on for grandpa and I....hehehe! We had sweatshirts and jackets on to keep warm that Saturday afternoon, and the girls were in little fairy dresses....and they came back into the house to change twice LOL! Cade was the "cow"....yes, it's the only costume he wanted to keep on and would go around the yard talking about "the cow" in the third person. "The cow is walking"...."the cow is standing"....etc etc LOL! We had tears we were laughing so hard!
Sunday morning we were up nice and early. We had pancakes for supper last night so I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry, or mess, before mom, Hannah and I left for Toronto. Hannah had two appointments that week at Sick Kids...Monday and Tuesday.
She was very excited about playing in the hotel pool, but we were all disappointed when we arrived at the hotel and the desk clerk told us the kid's pool closes at 8:00. was almost ten to eight....could we hurry up and run down to the pool for a quick dip? Surely they wouldn't kick us out with just a few minutes left, would they?
We entered our room and quickly threw the luggage/bags anywhere we could and quickly went through our luggage to find our bathing suits....quick, quick, quick Hannah. Let's get down to that pool.
Out of breath, we arrived at the door to enter the pool area and there on the door were the closed at 9:00 p.m. I felt like going up to the lobby in my bathing suit to let the desk clerk know she was wrong....ugh!
Anyway, the excitement of still having an hour to swim overtook thoughts of telling the desk clerk, and we got into the water. I slowly got used to the chilly water and goosebumps surfaced on my skin, it brought back memories of the last time we were at that hotel. The water wasn't any warmer LOL! Hannah made us promise that we would go swimming two times the next day. She has such a great time in the water.
We were soooo happy with her first appointment. She is doing great and doesn't need to see that surgeon for a year now....yipeeeee! Great job Hannah :) She is such a big girl now when they do an ultra sound on her. It used to take 3 people to hold her down and she would still be crying and manage to roll over on the table.
And guess who was also at Sick Kids?? Hey, why aren't you at Disney World?
It took longer than we expected though and we didn't get back to the hotel until almost 4:00. Hannah was in a hurry to get into the pool, but mom and grandma wanted to take a bit of a break. Begrudingly she let us lay down for a bit....but not too long :)
Once we were tired of the pool we showered and got dressed for supper in the hotel restaurant. We were too tired to go anywhere else, and little Hannah was already yawning :) She wasn't even very hungry, but still managed to eat half of my ceasar salad...hehehe!
We had told her we would get a movie in our room and then go back down for a swim. Honestly, we had every intention of going back to the pool....but Hannah had different plans. She and I curled up in my bed to watch the movie and she fell sound asleep within minutes of it starting LOL! The little stinker slept all through the night. She must have been catching up with the sleep she lost while at Disney....hehehe!
Wouldn't you know it....the next day she reminded mom and I that "we didn't go swimming two times yesterday"! I tried to explain that she fell sound asleep, but she would hear nothing of it LOL! So next year we will definitely have to make sure we swim twice on at least one day at the hotel :)
Her second appointment on Tuesday had great results just as her first appointment did, with even better news....she can go two years without coming back to see that specialist....double yipeeeeeeee!!!!
We headed home happy, and tired. I went to bed quite early as the next morning grandpa and I were heading back down to Toronto for a conference he was attending. All I can say about those 4 days is that I slept....a lot....LOL! Even had afternoon naps. It felt sooooo good :)
Until our next visit!
Grandma loves you
I know it's been awhile since I've written here, but it's been awhile since I've been able to sit down and think about everything that has gone on!
As said previously, the gang did go to Disney World and they DID have a wonderful time. Oh the stories....hehehe....I feel like I was actually with them, especially when they go into detail about each and every ride....grandma doesn't do rides very well LOL....and I could feel my stomach lurching just hearing about them. Especially the one where they came out of their seats, in the dark LOL!
Very first airplane rides for all three of them!!
They have beautiful pictures to remind them of such a special trip with Mickey, Donald, Goofy, Pluto and of course we can't forget the princess Belle :) Oh, oh, and we can't forget the Bippity Bop hair salon where both girls had their hair done in the same way their favorite princesses wear theirs. Hannah was Cinderella, with the beautiful blue dress and tight bun on her head to prove it, and Hailee was Belle, with her gorgeous hairdo and yellow dress. Such special memories.LOL....nice hats guys!!
Daddy has the same hat on that he had when he was
ten years old at Disney!
The Friday they came home we were going to go over for a visit, but they decided to come here instead. You just have to see the cute Minnie Mouse summer hat they bought for me! I love it. And since I can't be in the sun without a hat, it's perfect!! The Tinkerbell nightie is sooooo special and will be saved for when they come for sleepovers :)The following day they were here bright and early for a sleepover....yipeeeeee! They sure can keep us busy just playing in the yard.....mudpies, cabins, swinging, the playground, not to mention "grandma, we need another cage for our animals" LOL! Yes, they were setting up an "animal rescue" in their cabin in the bushes, using my animals from around the yard....birds, rabbits, raccoons, turtles, frogs....they captured them all, and they are all still caged, waiting for the next visit :)
And we can't forget the "plays" the 3 of them put on for grandpa and I....hehehe! We had sweatshirts and jackets on to keep warm that Saturday afternoon, and the girls were in little fairy dresses....and they came back into the house to change twice LOL! Cade was the "cow"....yes, it's the only costume he wanted to keep on and would go around the yard talking about "the cow" in the third person. "The cow is walking"...."the cow is standing"....etc etc LOL! We had tears we were laughing so hard!
Sunday morning we were up nice and early. We had pancakes for supper last night so I wouldn't be in too much of a hurry, or mess, before mom, Hannah and I left for Toronto. Hannah had two appointments that week at Sick Kids...Monday and Tuesday.
She was very excited about playing in the hotel pool, but we were all disappointed when we arrived at the hotel and the desk clerk told us the kid's pool closes at 8:00. was almost ten to eight....could we hurry up and run down to the pool for a quick dip? Surely they wouldn't kick us out with just a few minutes left, would they?
We entered our room and quickly threw the luggage/bags anywhere we could and quickly went through our luggage to find our bathing suits....quick, quick, quick Hannah. Let's get down to that pool.
Out of breath, we arrived at the door to enter the pool area and there on the door were the closed at 9:00 p.m. I felt like going up to the lobby in my bathing suit to let the desk clerk know she was wrong....ugh!
"Are you coming grandma?"
We were soooo happy with her first appointment. She is doing great and doesn't need to see that surgeon for a year now....yipeeeee! Great job Hannah :) She is such a big girl now when they do an ultra sound on her. It used to take 3 people to hold her down and she would still be crying and manage to roll over on the table.
And guess who was also at Sick Kids?? Hey, why aren't you at Disney World?
It took longer than we expected though and we didn't get back to the hotel until almost 4:00. Hannah was in a hurry to get into the pool, but mom and grandma wanted to take a bit of a break. Begrudingly she let us lay down for a bit....but not too long :)
Once we were tired of the pool we showered and got dressed for supper in the hotel restaurant. We were too tired to go anywhere else, and little Hannah was already yawning :) She wasn't even very hungry, but still managed to eat half of my ceasar salad...hehehe!
We had told her we would get a movie in our room and then go back down for a swim. Honestly, we had every intention of going back to the pool....but Hannah had different plans. She and I curled up in my bed to watch the movie and she fell sound asleep within minutes of it starting LOL! The little stinker slept all through the night. She must have been catching up with the sleep she lost while at Disney....hehehe!
Wouldn't you know it....the next day she reminded mom and I that "we didn't go swimming two times yesterday"! I tried to explain that she fell sound asleep, but she would hear nothing of it LOL! So next year we will definitely have to make sure we swim twice on at least one day at the hotel :)
Her second appointment on Tuesday had great results just as her first appointment did, with even better news....she can go two years without coming back to see that specialist....double yipeeeeeeee!!!!
We headed home happy, and tired. I went to bed quite early as the next morning grandpa and I were heading back down to Toronto for a conference he was attending. All I can say about those 4 days is that I slept....a lot....LOL! Even had afternoon naps. It felt sooooo good :)
Until our next visit!
Grandma loves you
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