This has been a very unusual 1st day of Spring for us northerners this year. I have a feeling it will go down in history....not only for the above normal temperatures and records we are breaking, but also for the fact that this grandma forgot to bring her camera when Grandpa and I went to visit the grandkids after school today :( I NEVER, repeat NEVER forget my camera....sigh.
However even having no pictures can't stop the memories from being tucked away safely in my mind :) Besides, what did we do before digital cameras were so readily available? We kept memories tucked away in our minds :)
It was supposed to be just a quick 10 minute visit....hi guys, how are you? how was your weekend away?....normal stuff. It then led to going to the playground just a couple doors up the road...playing for an hour (ohhhh my aching shoulders from all that swing pushing LOL and teeter tottering)...excited voices yelling across the playground to mom "Can grandma and grandpa stay for supper?" I tried to get them to stop, but mom said she was going to ask us before the kids even did. She had planned a big supper and needed help eating it it turned out we took leftovers home with us...hehehe!
After little hands and faces were washed, we ate supper and even had pink whipped cream and fresh fruit for dessert. Yummy! Boy, grandpa was very lucky we were asked to stay as it would have been leftovers again had we come home early LOL!
Tonight is mom's VBall night, so I offered to give the kids a bath. Hailee said she likes the way grandma washes their hair, but I'm not so sure she'll say that again after getting shampoo in her eye...hehehe! Mom gave lots of kisses to wet, shiny faces in the tub, and off she went.
All three kids were squeaky clean....grandpa gave his usual after bath tours of the house, kids all wrapped snuggly in their towels....pj time...and we left them happily playing on the living room floor with daddy. I'm sure it didn't take them long to fall asleep tonight :) And I know it won't take grandma long to fall asleep either LOL!
Grandma loves you....and won't forget the camera again :)

Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Yes, Ouch is what our DIL was saying yesterday when she had an infected tooth extracted. I brought her to the oral surgeon and picked her up. The funny part is she doesn't even remember paying for the work done, or our ride home....hehehe!
Around 4:30 yesterday afternoon our phone rang is a little voice on the other end said "grandma, can we come for a visit?" As if you need to even ask :) Then she said "I mean for a sleepover." LOL! I asked if she wanted me to pick her up or have daddy drop her off on his way back to the office after supper. I think we all know the answer to that one....hehehe!
A definite right of passage for anyone living in the North LOL!
All winter long we shovel tons of snow off the driveway, and at
this time of year we shovel it back onto the driveway so it
melts faster and makes those snow banks disappear....hehehe!
Ahhhhhh....child labor and all they wanted was a Dilly Bar!
Hehehe....I hated to burst their bubble, but they thought
if they piled snow into a puddle that it would turn into
ice overnight. With our mild temps it wasn't going to get
below freezing last night. They still had fun though :)
I was planning on picking up little Cade as well so mom could have a quiet evening with her sore mouth, but by the time I got to their house I was informed that he has already called Grandpa and asked if he could come over too....hehehe....little monkey :)
So an unplanned evening of fun was an unexpected surprise, thanks to mom's extraction :)
Hannah relaxing after all that shoveling!
Great job Hannah :)
This morning it was BLUE pancakes and we made some biiiiig ones that almost took up the whole plate LOL! Both finished them, plus more, with no trouble at all :)
Hey grandpa, don't forget Nutella on the other half LOL!
Don't put it in your outh all at once Hannah :)
Killing some time while mom was looking at Dishwashers!
Going from mattress to mattress just trying them out :)
Dreaming of summer days while on a riding lawnmower.
Won't be using that for a few weeks yet Cade LOL!
With rain boots, coats, tshirts, sunglasses and a new dishwasher picked out we stopped for lunch. Yum it was good...thanks mom :) Poor mom couldn't eat though, again, thanks to that darn tooth....hehehe!
Big sister Hailee spent the week at a friend's camp and was coming home tonight. Tomorrow they're all leaving for the weekend to go to another camp so it will be a quiet weekend. I may be able to get some work done outside....well, at least where it's dry and there isn't any snow left on the ground :) I really need to move a couple feeders as I'm tired of shells being dragged into the house every time we come in the house.
Have a great weekend guys.
Grandma loves you
Sunday, 11 March 2012
That Was Fast.....
How quickly can 24 hours pass by? Just ask grandparents who have been having fun with their grandkids, and they'll tell you that it goes waaaaaaay too fast :)
It was a pretty good night last night. Hannah and Cade got settled in their cabin, and left the bottom bunk open for grandpa to crawl into when he was ready for bed. And by crawl, I mean crawl....hehehe! He was afraid he was going to kneel on one of them LOL!
Thankfully Hailee was feeling much better this morning...tired, but no stomach problems. They all wanted to go outside to finish off their snow fort. Just as we were getting dressed for outside, mom & dad came in. We all had to go out to see their forts, then mom and I came back inside as Grandpa, Daddy and the 3 kids continued building their fort walls :)
It's a beautiful sunny day today and the snow is melting away....not quick enough for me, but at least it's melting.
All too soon it was time for the gang to head home. They were going to a friends for supper tonight and had things to get ready.
That hour we lost over night due to Daylight Savings Time, really made the morning zip by today! Even though they didn't leave until 12:30, it still seemed "early" LOL!
All in all it was another great sleepover. Hopefully next time Hailee will be able to enjoy it more :)
Grandma Loves You......
More fun in the cabin....and we can't forget
those flashlights!
Cade & Grandpa hiding in the bottom bunk LOL!
Hailee was feeling much better this morning.
She even put a window in her Fort!
Grandpa said at one point Hailee was over in the deeper snow, trying to cut a block out of it. She kept calling to Grandpa to come over to help her. He told her that he couldn't because he was much heavier than her and he would just sink down in the snow, breaking it all in pieces.
Hehehe....she rolled her eyes and in a hissy-fit way said "ohhhhh that's just what daddy says.
He's just like you grandpa!" LOL!
Should have known that wouldn't do the trick. The odor was still just as strong this morning....sigh. I have a feeling it will need professional steaming to get it smelling good :( I just moved a little table in front of the recliner so no one would sit in it, and proceeded with making pancakes....GREEN for St. Patrick's Day that's coming up next week :)Hehehe....she rolled her eyes and in a hissy-fit way said "ohhhhh that's just what daddy says.
He's just like you grandpa!" LOL!
Thankfully Hailee was feeling much better this morning...tired, but no stomach problems. They all wanted to go outside to finish off their snow fort. Just as we were getting dressed for outside, mom & dad came in. We all had to go out to see their forts, then mom and I came back inside as Grandpa, Daddy and the 3 kids continued building their fort walls :)
It's a beautiful sunny day today and the snow is melting away....not quick enough for me, but at least it's melting.
All too soon it was time for the gang to head home. They were going to a friends for supper tonight and had things to get ready.
That hour we lost over night due to Daylight Savings Time, really made the morning zip by today! Even though they didn't leave until 12:30, it still seemed "early" LOL!
All in all it was another great sleepover. Hopefully next time Hailee will be able to enjoy it more :)
Grandma Loves You......
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Are We Ready?
Hmmmm.....grandpa and grandma are always ready for the grandkids to come over. Everyone should know that by now LOL!
It's been a while since we had a sleepover with Hailee, Hannah and Cade, so today is the day. Their school break started yesterday, so this will be a nice way for them to start their week off :)
They should be here around noon today, so grandpa and I are thinking of ways to keep them busy...hehehe! A trip to the Dollar Store will definitely be on the agenda...if they want to go. Quite often when the kids get here, they don't want to go anywhere. We shall see :)
Be back later!
Well, our day didn't go quite as planned :( Poor Hailee has a stomach bug. Not a fun way to start a week off school. She was SO tired from not sleeping much last night, and the bug, that she didn't want to do anything.
Hailee slept on the couch for a few hours, and when she woke up she wanted to cuddle on me. Poor thing had a sore belly so I rubbed it for a bit. happened....she lifted her head (we were face to face) and she vomited. It went everywhere! All over me, my hair and the recliner we were cuddling in LOL!
Grandpa picked her up (of course she never got a drop on her LOL) and brought her to the bathroom to wash her face. I on the other hand stripped my clothes off in the kitchen, then quickly grabbed some cleaning supplies, a big plastic bag and lots and lots of paper towels. I scrubbed, squeezed, sprayed every inch on the recliner that got "hit"....finishing off with half a bottle of Febreze.
Grandpa took her on our bed and she fell asleep within minutes. Grandma on the other hand had to have another shower and wash my hair. When I say it was everywhere, it was everywhere LOL!
So Hannah and Cade are sleeping in the cabin they wanted me to make for them, grandpa will sleep on the bottom bunk beside them, and Hailee will sleep with me. Sure hope her tummy doesn't act up any more tonight. Poor little thing is so tired.
Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day!
Grandma loves you
P.S. By the way, none of them wanted to go to the Dollar Store. Hailee said "but grandma, you know if I was feeling good that I'd go." LOL! All they wanted to do was play in the cabin and outside in the snow! What more can we ask for? :))
It's been a while since we had a sleepover with Hailee, Hannah and Cade, so today is the day. Their school break started yesterday, so this will be a nice way for them to start their week off :)
They should be here around noon today, so grandpa and I are thinking of ways to keep them busy...hehehe! A trip to the Dollar Store will definitely be on the agenda...if they want to go. Quite often when the kids get here, they don't want to go anywhere. We shall see :)
Be back later!
Well, our day didn't go quite as planned :( Poor Hailee has a stomach bug. Not a fun way to start a week off school. She was SO tired from not sleeping much last night, and the bug, that she didn't want to do anything.
We all went outside to play and build a fort in the backyard, but Hailee eventually wanted to come inside before Hannah, Cade and Grandpa did. She immediately laid on the couch and didn't move for the rest of the evening...although she did ask for some chicken noodle soup. She didn't even want to go out for supper! We knew she was definitely sick when that happened :(Put it right here please grandpa!
Hey, I need more blocks!!
Making a Fort is hard work LOL!
Grandpa took Hannah and Cade to McD's...a real treat...and then to DQ for dessert. They brought Hailee a small plain Sundae back with them, and she had no problem eating it....hehehe! Hailee slept on the couch for a few hours, and when she woke up she wanted to cuddle on me. Poor thing had a sore belly so I rubbed it for a bit. happened....she lifted her head (we were face to face) and she vomited. It went everywhere! All over me, my hair and the recliner we were cuddling in LOL!
Grandpa picked her up (of course she never got a drop on her LOL) and brought her to the bathroom to wash her face. I on the other hand stripped my clothes off in the kitchen, then quickly grabbed some cleaning supplies, a big plastic bag and lots and lots of paper towels. I scrubbed, squeezed, sprayed every inch on the recliner that got "hit"....finishing off with half a bottle of Febreze.
Grandpa took her on our bed and she fell asleep within minutes. Grandma on the other hand had to have another shower and wash my hair. When I say it was everywhere, it was everywhere LOL!
So Hannah and Cade are sleeping in the cabin they wanted me to make for them, grandpa will sleep on the bottom bunk beside them, and Hailee will sleep with me. Sure hope her tummy doesn't act up any more tonight. Poor little thing is so tired.
What can be more fun than building a cabin??
Grandma loves you
P.S. By the way, none of them wanted to go to the Dollar Store. Hailee said "but grandma, you know if I was feeling good that I'd go." LOL! All they wanted to do was play in the cabin and outside in the snow! What more can we ask for? :))
Saturday, 3 March 2012
Time Keeps Rolling Along....
Grandma got off lucky this year. I didn't have to make
cupcakes or a cake. Mom made these delicious
chocolate cupcakes that disppeared quickly :)
And rolling, and rolling :) Today our little granddaughter Hannah turned six years old! Yes, six years old. Normally this wouldn't seem like a big deal for most people, but having spent the first 18 months of her life in hospitals having test after test, surgery after surgery for some bladder/kidney problems, seeing this little one turn 6 seemed to mark a milestone. Like we've been able to leave her "babyhood" behind and enjoy what's to come.
The Birthday Girl with mom & dad :)
I doubt Hannah will have any idea of how grandma is feeling today. I'm not even sure if anyone else in the family feels this way, but I do :) It's difficult to explain....but all I know is it feels very good to see a healthy, happy little girl enjoying her big day with so many friends and family around to help enjoy it with her.The Birthday Girl with grandpa and grandma :)
The Birthday Girl with Memere & Pepere :)
It was a wonderful day seeing our 'baby girl' take this happy step in her short life. This grandma can sleep well tonight knowing Hannah had a wonderful day, and hopefully a wonderful and dad have a total of 5 girls sleeping over tonight....hehehe!
Happy Birthday my little Pixie!
Grandma loves you
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Just What I Needed.....
Grandpa and I have had a very busy couple of weeks. We went away last weekend for 4 days to visit out two youngest grandkids.....our oldest son, DIL and 3 grandkids went away the weekend before for 4 days. So it's been awhile since we've had some good hugs and kisses from eager little people :)
The girls started a new session of swimming classes tonight, so off grandpa and I went to watch and cheer on their continuing success in the water. As usual for swimming night, I made peanut butter sandwiches and a few snacks for each of the girls....and of course, we can't forget little brother Cade....hehehe! I think that's the only reason he likes to see me there....he knows food is involved.
He quietly sits on my lap and finishes each 'course' then asks for the next one. Once he's done, that's it. Time to go walking around the track with grandpa LOL!
It felt soooo good to greet them at the door to the rec centre and have them run into our waiting arms. Nothing like it in the world.
See you Saturday for Hannah's birthday party guys!
Grandma loves you
The girls started a new session of swimming classes tonight, so off grandpa and I went to watch and cheer on their continuing success in the water. As usual for swimming night, I made peanut butter sandwiches and a few snacks for each of the girls....and of course, we can't forget little brother Cade....hehehe! I think that's the only reason he likes to see me there....he knows food is involved.
He quietly sits on my lap and finishes each 'course' then asks for the next one. Once he's done, that's it. Time to go walking around the track with grandpa LOL!
It felt soooo good to greet them at the door to the rec centre and have them run into our waiting arms. Nothing like it in the world.
See you Saturday for Hannah's birthday party guys!
Grandma loves you
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